Exploring Chaos:
Play and Order in the Child’s Space
From the explosion of creativity that characterizes play, the space in which it unfolds often transforms into a meaningful chaos. Marbles rolling on the floor, bits of paper resisting disposal, and mess. This disorder, seemingly chaotic from the adult perspective, is actually a meaningful expression in the world of play.
Allowing this chaos involves a deep connection with the child, an introspective look to assess our own comfort in coexisting with apparent disorder. It is an exercise that goes beyond mere tolerance; it requires conscious acceptance, far from resignation.
In this situation, a good strategy is to adopt an active but non-interventionist attitude. Attending to the play?, the adult observes, identifies elements that difficult rather than contribute to playing and removes them without interrupting the dynamics. The child’s reaction reveals the importance of the material; whether they look up, indicating a need, or remain indifferent, indicating that a specific object is not essential at this very moment. The adult does this to enhance the quality of the play, thus shaping a more harmonious, beautiful space and enriching the experience.
Sometimes, a more radical option is chosen: allowing chaos without apparent boundaries, except for the four basic limits—not harming yourselves, others, the material or the environment. In this scenario, children will find their own limits, clearing spaces and adjusting the play environment. The adult’s relationship with the physical space during play is crucial. The ideal option is to occupy as little space as possible, respecting the child’s autonomy and finding a balance between freedom and safety.
The moment of tidying up is understood as an integral part of the game and should be approached as if it were a sacred moment because children can experience a genuine sense of loss or even mourning. It can be a dance of exchange through which we can obtain particularly valuable information about their interests, desires, fears, and monsters. A true opportunity!
What happens when the adult observes the seemingly chaotic tidiness of the child from their perspective? We should reflect on the legitimacy of our own sense of tidiness compared to the child’s, challenging the preconceived notion that adult order is superior.
In summary, child’s play reveals the complexity of the relationship between apparent chaos and underlying order. It allows adults to reflect on their own notions of organization and find a balance between allowing unfolding and establishing limits that promote harmonious and inhabitable common spaces for all its members. The conclusion is clear: founding tidiness on chaos is, in itself, a form of play.
You can also incorporate additional elements like flowers, buttons, or beads to add an even more personalized touch!
Our fabric garland will be ready to hang in any corner of our home. May this spring be a celebration of energy and sustainability!